Jiangsu Chaori Purification Technology Co., Ltd.


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What supports the bags in a pulse jet baghouse?

return Source:Chaori
What supports the bags in a pulse jet baghouse?
Glance over:- Release date:Nov 25, 2024【Big In Small

In a pulse jet baghouse, the bags are supported by a few key components:

  1. Bag Cages: Each bag is fitted with a metal cage, usually made of galvanized steel or stainless steel, that maintains the shape of the bag and prevents it from collapsing under vacuum conditions. The cage also allows for proper airflow through the bag.

  2. Hopper or Collection Area: The lower part of the baghouse contains a hopper or collection area where the collected dust settles. The bags are suspended from the top of this hopper.

  3. Support Structure: The overall structure of the baghouse itself provides support for the bags. This includes the framework that holds the bag cages and the filters in place.

  4. Clamps or Fasteners: Bags may be secured at their tops using clamps or other fastening devices to ensure they remain attached to the baghouse and do not come loose during operation.

These components work together to ensure that the bags remain stable and effective in filtering particulate matter from the air stream.

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